FAQ: How much brotherhood or friendliness is there between caddies during a round?
Through our readers and social media followers here at The Caddie Network, we often receive questions related to the caddie profession. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions from our readers and followers and tasked actual PGA Tour caddies to serve up the answers based on their experiences. Here are the answers — from PGA Tour caddies — to the questions we most often receive from you.
Caddies routinely help one another out over the course of a round — helping to clean a golf ball here, raking a bunker there, assisting on the green with the flagstick, etc. Besides all that, however, some of our readers wondered how much of a brotherhood or friendliness there is between caddies on the PGA Tour during a round. So we asked a veteran looper for the answer to how much caddies are helping one another during a round.
How much brotherhood or friendliness is there between caddies during a round?
Although we are trying to beat each other, there is a lot of camaraderie between us. We have all built friendships together and although I wouldn’t ask just anyone for information, I feel comfortable asking most caddies for information usually before the tournament.
Sometimes due to reasons outside of our control, we cannot do all the work we need to do, i.e.: family obligations, flight delays, weather, multiple courses to learn, etc. You can’t keep asking people for information because you aren’t wanting to do the work, but there are times when you have information they need.
After helping someone in the past, you feel comfortable asking them to help you — a respectful balance.
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