Here’s what it’s like for a caddie to take on a new bag on the PGA Tour
Video work of player’s swings
“I’m working for a new player and taking video of his swing when he’s on the practice range. But he’s had to retrain me and I’m retraining myself about where he wants the video taken from,” the veteran caddie said. “At what height, at what spot down the line, or is it down the line of his club or his hands or his body?”
There are many preferences, as you might expect, at the highest level of the game.
“It might just be literally six inches different, but it can make a difference,” the veteran looper said. “Getting that dialed in to where he’s comfortable with where you’re taking it from and making sure you’re in the right spot to take it can be a really big learning curve.”
For Walker, who takes notes in his phone about these positions and about what Landry is working on with his coaches, he feels like he’s constantly making adjustments as to how to best capture his player’s swing.
“I’m still learning to be honest with you,” Walker said. “Andrew always wants two different views, one from directly in front of him and one from behind the club.”
But the key for Walker is knowing exactly what Landry’s target is so that he can help his player get his hands parallel with that target line on the range.
While gathering video for a player’s use is one thing, gathering practice footage for yourself as a caddie is huge, too. And that comes especially into play when you’re trying to learn a new player’s practice drills and how you can help with them.
For Henley, who began working with Stewart Cink to begin the 2019-2020 season at Sanderson Farms, he quickly noticed Cink’s elaborate putting drill he builds with alignment rods before his rounds. Henley says it looked pretty detailed and specific, but took the initiative to film the drill right away.
The next day, he beat Cink to the practice green and saved him five minutes of setting up time.
I’ve Caddied at the club level for years, the statements and advice above holds true for the Amateur level as well. The difference being, we need to analyze our player(s), read them and make adjustments in the first few holes. Our livelihood depends on it:)