What’s your favorite caddie story?

Playing golf is a great experience. Playing golf with a caddie — for better or for worse — is a memorable one.
Caddies come in all levels of acumen, and you never know what you will get. But one thing is for sure: all caddies are unique and will help make your round even more pleasurable.
READ: Caddie Confidential: How many pro golfers actually cheat – and how to fix it
Here are 11 of our favorite caddie stories from our TCN Twitter fan base. You can click here to follow – or add – to the thread:
11. “My caddie at The Tryall Club in Montego Bay, Jamaica carried my clubs balanced on his HEAD! It was at a 1986 PGA Tour sponsor outing called the CEO. Corporate Executive Open.” — @BarneyHinkle
10. “Gotta be Stevie Williams when he had only one ball left after Tiger pulled one into the water at Pebble.” — @DrFirouzi
9. “Was caddying at Hershey CC on Nike Tour ’99. On one of the later holes, my guy got it under a tree. I was busy getting yardage to a spot to punch to. I look over and he has a five wood out trying to figure out how to get it to the green. Was Sunday. We’re fighting for a top 10. We are good friends so I ask him what the hell he is doing. He tried to explain it, but couldn’t. I take the five wood from him and show him the spot I want him to punch it to. He gets it to his perfect lob wedge number. He’s still not sure we made the right decision. I get him focused, give him a target. Elevated green. He hits it and the crowd erupts. I just look at him and say, ‘Nice birdie.’ He still tells the story at clinics and when friends gather around some adult beverages. Maybe the highlight of my abbreviated caddie career.” — @FrankWintin
8. “Playing at Shoal Creek, circa 1993. Forget what my yardage in was, but wanted to hit a 5 iron. My caddie, who was a wonderful man—double-bagged that day—said, ‘It’s a 4-iron, Mr. Steve.’ Took his advice and hit it to 2 feet. Great caddie, even better person. What a memory for me.” — @Skroutyboy
7. “My other one is looping for a friend at Fox Den in Knoxville, TN at a charity event in 1984. The pro was, wait for it… Arnold Palmer. And he was everything you’ve ever seen/read about him. Extremely gracious and charming. It was the day Zoeller beat Norman in U.S. Open playoff.” — @Skroutyboy
6. “Saw Spencer Levin at the ATT in 2015. He hits a wedge into 15 at PB spins it off the front and while his caddie is going down the fairway to get his divot he proceeds to chuck his wedge over his head 30 yards back down the fairway. Caddie gives a massive eye roll and walks back.” — @ajfpart3
RELATED: 23 of the best caddie one-liners
5. “Many years ago, my caddie partner happened to be standing right over a fairway sprinkler head as it went on, catching him square in the jewels. On the next hole in forecaddie position, while cursing profusely, he attempted to calm his nerves with a cigarette just as he placed it in his mouth another sprinkler came on. It perfectly caught just the cigarette, firing it clean out of his mouth. Was pretty difficult looping that hole while doubled over in laughter, let me tell you.” — @LoopersProShop
4. “Caddied for @joepassov at Flossmoor Country Club when he reviewed the course. Club pro shot 69, Joe played great. The course was pristine!” — @BennyGQ
3. “Michael Jordan on the 18th at Butler National. Hits a 300-yard drive down the right fairway. The opponent steps up to hit, the guy takes a practice swing, then MJ breaks out in ‘I dream I would, I dream I could like Mike, if I could be like Mike’ dude tops the ball in the water. Classic.” — @LarryBuckles
2. “Me – Father’s Day, 1996. Caddying for a member, who is playing with his father & son. Hole #16 at Oakmont. Hole-in-one!” — @DannyR415
1. “Caddying for my dad in the local Canadian Tour event at Point Grey GC. He was around the lead on Saturday and had a mid-iron into a tough par 4. I handed him the club, picked up the bag, and stepped back a few feet as usual. He was using a big tour bag at the time, so I would often lean on the bad while I watched the maestro at work. Only this time the draw was more like a hook, and he was in jail beside the green. He took that iron by the head and FIRED it back into the bag while my hand was still gripping the divider. It just grazed my fingers and still hurt like hell. Never rested my hand on the divider again.” — @BrunoVanderhoof
2003 Qatar Masters I’m caddying for Arjun Atwal in the Wednesday Pro Am. we get to the 8th Tee. All of a sudden a Black Limo screeches to a Halt and 2 body Guards haul our Pro am partner into the car and drives off at a crazy speed. We are all in shock then the local Caddie tells us that the Guy had to leave to get to the Airport. The Guy just happened to be the Interior minister for the Qatar Government and was summed to greet
Vice President Dick Cheney who had flown into Doha Airport. The visit was unannounced and the 2nd Gulf War commenced on the following Monday. Looking Back it was an Eventful Week.