Your scariest/strangest encounters with an animals while on the golf course

Golf is full of surprises. Whether it’s running from a bobcat or watching two kangaroos fight, animals always bring out the best reactions in golfers and provide the craziest stories.
We asked our TCN Twitter fan base to tell us about their scariest/strangest encounter with an animal while on the golf course. Here were our 17 favorite responses. Click here to follow – or add – to the thread.
17. “Monkey in Barbados stealing crackers and a towel out of my golf cart – got the towel back after he/she dropped it…not so much for my crackers.” — @HambonesOwn
Had this guy fly in front of us, to get a closer look at our tee shots.
— TJ Leonard (@TJ_MAX2) April 27, 2021
An absolute dinasaur in Hilton Head over New Years at Shipyard. @dougkenney7
— Nick Lipovsek (@NickLipovsek) April 27, 2021
14. “Playing Cedar Green in Sudbury. Driving the cart towards the 4th tee a large Black bear is sleeping on our tee deck, look at my partner and say “think we’ll play the red tees on this hole.’ Watched the bear continue to sleep while we teed off.” — @jeanlavoie15
13. “Thinned a wedge many years ago at Anglesey golf club south of Melbourne and hit a big male Kangaroo smack on the bum! Stopped my ball shooting into the bush at the back of the green.” — @ncoase
Read: The funniest nickname you’ve given a golf buddy is ________.
12. “Wild boar chasing me and a playing partner with the pedal floored in a cart driving from green to next tee while playing a mini-tour event in Orlando in the mid-’80s. Beast was gaining until he gave up at a road crossing. Thankfully.” — @gregogator
Just Snakes
— dwillo67 (@dwillo67) April 27, 2021
This bullhead that fell from the sky onto the fairway 20 feet away and still alive. Ran him a hundred yards to the river and watched him swim away.
— CMcD (@Evsguy) April 28, 2021
9. “Thirty years ago back in high school a friend bladed a wedge on #7 and hit a goose in the neck. Killed it. I threw it in the back of the truck after finishing 9. Dad cleaned it, we had it for dinner the next night.” — @jfri45
8. “8 ft Tiger Snake – bunker Barnbougle Dunes, north coast Tasmania, Australia. 6 ft Brown snake 13th tee box Gunnamatta The National, Victoria Australia. Both in top 10 most deadly snakes in the world.” — @lovingit5555
7. “Shady Canyon, Irvine, California 1) Standing on the first green, two deer go running by and about 4 seconds later 5 Coyotes go chasing after them. 2) On hole 11, was near a bobcat that jumped in the lake and waddled out with a coot.” — @brucekenerson1
Came across this mix of a tiger and goat one time.
— Make Golf Fun (@makegolfgood) April 27, 2021
This guy wouldn’t move. Thought I would hit him on my backswing! #golftalk
— Jamo116 (@jamo116) April 27, 2021
4. “A fox that ran onto the green and took all our golf balls during league play after we landed our approach shots. We all hit again to see if it would do it again. Sure enough, it did.” — @GO_FARR
3. “A player in our group hits his ball into a creek running along the hole. I go to get it and see it’s sitting upon a rock so I leave it. He and his caddy go over to look at it and from a stump next to his ball a bunch of baby copperhead snakes comes out in all directions.” — @derbycaddy
2. “A seagull swooped down and scooped up my rolling ball. I think that shot ended up going a couple of miles! Grinning face with smiling eyes.” — @GolfPredictor
— Junglistdon (@junglistdon) April 27, 2021